Blue Moon poster sparks controversy for stereotypical portrayal of mothers

A Mother’s Day commercial poster by detergent maker Blue Moon has triggered controversy on Chinese social media for its stereotypical portrayal of mothers, as the poster suggests that mothers should be the first ones to use the promoted laundry products. The company has reportedly replied that the original idea of expressing gratitude to mothers may not have been conveyed effectively.

The controversy was caused by the poster promoting one of Blue Moon’s products in an elevator advertisement. In the advertisement, the company claims that mothers used big bottles of laundry detergent to wash clothes in the past, which was heavy and hard work. Now, the company uses a tech that makes laundry easier and more effortless for mothers, according to media reports.

In addition, the pattern of the poster background, features the image of a woman busy with housework, taking care of children, and working alone. Many netizens regarded the use of the phrase “mother, you can use it first” as a stereotypical portrayal of mothers.

The relevant topic has garnered more than 12 million views on Chinese X-like Sina Weibo. Some netizens also questioned why the advertisement, which is released for Mother’s Day, is promoting labor cleaning tools as gifts for mothers. Why not offer to do the laundry for mothers instead?

According to media reports, one customer service staff member from the company replied that their original idea was to express the gratitude to mothers, but the gratitude may have not been expressed effectively, and they will report the netizens’ feedback to the company immediately. 

“Why do we always have to adhere to stereotypical labels? Does clothing always have to be washed by mothers? …And on Mother’s Day, shouldn’t we make it easier for our mothers by doing the laundry ourselves?” one netizen wrote.

“The incident has also sparked attention to the portrayal of gender roles in advertising. In modern society, people are expected to see more gender equality and diversity in advertising, rather than outdated and stereotypical portrayals,” another netizen said.

Some netizens expressed different opinions. “The advertisement has caused some discomfort for some people, but is it too sentimental? It’s good to show gratitude toward mothers and those who do household duties, so what’s the problem?” one netizen said.

If we look at the advertisement from a different perspective, it makes sense to show gratitude to mothers and express love. It all depends on how we interpret it, another netizen said.

US should immediately stop hyping up Taiwan question using the World Health Assembly as an excuse: Chinese mainland spokesperson

The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair, which doesn’t allow any foreign interferences. The US should immediately stop hyping up the Taiwan question using the World Health Assembly as an excuse, said Chen Binhua, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, urging the US to adhere to the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques with practical actions, instead of saying one thing and doing another, and constantly indulging “Taiwan independence” activities. 

Chen made the remarks on Friday in response to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement on Wednesday which “encouraged the WHO to reinstate an invitation to Taiwan to participate as an observer at this year’s WHA.”

Regarding Taiwan region’s participation in WHO activities, Chen said the mainland’s position is consistent and clear, which is that the situation must be handled in accordance with one-China principle, which is also the fundamental principle confirmed by UNGA resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution 25.1, Chen said. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities stubbornly insist in their “Taiwan independence” separatist stance, refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus which embodies the one-China principle, resulting in the political basis for Taiwan region’s participation in WHA no longer existing. This situation is entirely caused by the DPP authorities, according to the spokesperson. 

Chen said the mainland has made proper arrangements for Taiwan region’s participation in global health affairs under the premise of adhering to the one-China principle. However, the DPP authorities, in their pursuit of “Taiwan independence,” have deliberately politicized public health issues and attempted to rely on external forces to engage in secessionist activities at WHA. The facts of the past seven years have proven that this wrong path is not viable, and the attempt this time will also end up in failure, Chen said.

China’s foreign ministry also slammed Blinken’s statement on Thursday, saying China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the statement, noting the one-China principle has the extensive support of the international community. It is where global opinion trends and where the arc of history bends. There’s no denying or stopping that trend. Any attempt to play the “Taiwan card” and use Taiwan to contain China will meet the firm opposition of the international community and is doomed to failure.

There isn't a 'China overcapacity,' but a US overcapacity of anxiety stemming from a lack of confidence: Chinese FM

The US accusation of "China's overcapacity" is not a market-driven conclusion, but a crafted narrative to manipulate perception and politicize trade, with the real purpose being holding back China's high-quality development and depriving China of its legitimate right to development, Lin Jian, spokesperson from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a routine press briefing on Tuesday, in a latest response to Washington's false narratives targeting Chinese new energy vehicles (NEVs).

There isn't a "China overcapacity," but a US overcapacity of anxiety stemming from a lack of confidence and smears against China, the spokesperson said.

The remarks were made in response to media questions regarding the rhetoric by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his recent visit to China. He pointed fingers at China over so-called "unfair trade practices and the potential consequences of industrial overcapacity to global and US markets," naming some industries including electric vehicles, batteries, and solar panels.

The "China overcapacity" accusation may look like an economic discussion, but the truth is, the accusation is built on false logic and ignores more than 200 years of the basic concept of comparative advantage in Western economics, Lin said.

When China's electric vehicle exports account for only 12 percent of its production, it's labeled as "overcapacity." But consider this: Germany exports 80 percent of its automobile production, followed by Japan's 50 percent, and the US' 25 percent. 

"Wouldn't that be considered more serious overcapacity?" Lin asked.

Moreover, according to estimates from the International Energy Agency, to realize carbon neutrality, the world will need 45 million NEVs by 2030, 4.5 times that of the demand of 2022.

"When the global capacity is still far below the market demand, how could there be overcapacity?" Lin asked.

In contrary to the US' narrow-minded narratives in new energy development, China has taken an open stance in the field, welcoming businesses worldwide to develop cooperation together for win-win outcomes, as it is well reflected at the 2024 18th Beijing International Automotive Exhibition Beijing Auto Show, which takes place from April 25 to May 4.

The auto show features more than 1,500 exhibiting companies, 278 new energy models and 117 global premieres, including 30 premieres by multinational companies.

The event was attended by executives from renowned international car companies such as BMW, Volkswagen, and Nissan, demonstrating their regard for the Chinese market and their expectations for working more closely with China.

Recently, German carmakers Volkswagen and BMW announced additional investments in China totaling five billion euros each, aiming to ramp up their layouts in the manufacturing of electric and smart vehicles in China.

These facts and statistics not only reveal global automakers' optimism for the growth potential of China's mega-sized market and their confidence in China's development outlook, but also are the most convincing argument against the so-called "Chinese overcapacity," Lin said.

Chinese experts also refuted the US' intensified discourse of "overcapacity" narratives. 

Speaking with the Global Times on Tuesday, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, said that actual demand for NEVs remain huge in both China and around the world.

The NEV market in China is undergoing rapid expansion, and the implementation of the new trade-in policy alone has the potential to drive up to two million electric vehicle sales this year, according to Cui, reflecting positive market prospects for the booming sector.

Overcapacity is only caused by enterprises lacking competitiveness, leading to unsold inventory, which is surely not the case in China's NEV industry, Cui said, noting that Chinese NEV manufacturers are reputable enterprises, and there is strong demand for their products in the market.

"Both domestically and internationally, there is no overcapacity in the NEV sector," he said.

The US' repeated accusations of "overcapacity" against China stem from concerns about the rapid development of China NEV industry potentially impeding the growth of American car manufacturers. "This highlights the narrow-minded approach of the US in attempting to isolate Chinese companies from the global market," said Cui.

Chinese scientists develop fast breeding rice in Xinjiang desert greenhouses

Chinese scientists have successfully developed fast breeding rice in desert greenhouses in Hotan Prefecture, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, for the first time under the trial period, making the rice grow from planting to harvest in just 75 days.

The tech provides support for the country to carry out year-round cultivation and fast breeding of crops in desert areas, according to the Institute of Urban Agriculture (IUA), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The technology was developed by the IUA's chief scientist Yang Qichang and his research team after five years of research. The team leverages rich solar resources in desert areas, implementing measures such as multi-layer vertical soilless cultivation and artificial light source control, making rice grow from planting to harvest in just 75 days. The tech reduces the rice's growth cycle by around 40 percent compared to rice cultivated in traditional fields, according to the Chengdu-based IUA.

"We used the local new rice for this cultivation by taking fast breeding tech. The seedling cultivation took 15 days. In February, we planted the rice seedlings in the soilless cultivation tanks. The entire production cycle is 60 days by far," Wang Sen, the IUA's researcher, also one member of the research team, told the Global Times on Monday.

The fast breeding of rice in the greenhouses in Hotan adopts vertical soilless cultivation technology, providing crops with good production conditions such as light, temperature, water, air, and fertilizer under intelligent LED supplementary lighting from artificial light sources, according to Wang.

Within the facility, the temperature, humidity, light intensity, and other conditions can always be controlled precisely. However, the costs of energy, operation, and construction are always high. As a result, the experiment utilizes the abundant light and heat resources in Taklimakan Desert to establish a desert greenhouse plant that significantly reduces costs, according to the IUA.

It's meaningful to "inspire more scientific research" in the field, to encourage scientists to explore various solutions to "ensure national breeding and food security," Wang noted.

The research team has also been exploring key technologies for the fast breeding of staple crops such as soybeans, corn, and wheat, as well as oilseed crops and cotton in the desert greenhouses in Hotan.

The research institution has been making efforts in exploring the tech of building vertical unmanned greenhouse during recent years. In December 2023, a 10-meter-high unmanned greenhouse rack, the tallest of its kind in the world, was built by the IUA in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province. Its cultivation procedures are completely automated, including sowing, thinning, harvesting and packaging, according to media reports.

How to achieve national reunification is a matter for the Chinese people on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits: Wang Yi

The Taiwan question is entirely China’s internal affairs, and how to achieve national reunification is a matter for the Chinese people on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits,  Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a written interview with Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera on Thursday. 

Addressing a question on the Taiwan question given US continued arms sales to the island, Wang responded that Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times. We will strive for peaceful reunification with the utmost effort and greatest sincerity. In the meantime, our bottom line is also clear: we will absolutely not allow anyone to separate Taiwan from China in any way.

At present, the cross-Straits situation is stable on the whole. But it faces serious challenges as well. The biggest challenge comes from “Taiwan independence” separatist activities and external disruptions. China will not sit on its hands with external disruptions, he stressed.

During the interview, Wang also made important explanations regarding the Gaza conflict, the Red Sea crisis, the Ukraine crisis and China-US relations.

Regarding the Gaza conflict, Wang stated that the protracted conflict in Gaza has become a humanitarian catastrophe that should not have happened, which has gone far beyond the bottom line of modern civilization. The international community must act now.

First, what is currently urgent is to achieve a cease-fire as early as possible, and this is the overriding priority. Second, unimpeded humanitarian assistance must be ensured at all times, and this is the pressing moral obligation. Third, further spillover of the conflict must be forestalled, and this is the practical necessity for preventing the situation from spinning out of control. Fourth, historical injustice to the Palestinian people must be redressed timely, and this is the right way to address the root of the conflict in Gaza, Wang pointed out. 

In response to concerns over the rising tensions in the Red Sea and China’s deployment of several hundred servicemen in an escort fleet for cargo ships, Wang stated that it must be noted that the ongoing escort mission by the Chinese navy is not related to the Red Sea situation. Maneuvers are being carried out in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia as authorized by the UN Security Council to deter pirates and conduct humanitarian operations.

When asked about how will China mediate in peaceful negotiations to resolve the Ukraine crisis, Wang said it is imperative to remain committed to political settlement. Conflicts and wars do not end on the battlefield but at the table. 

It is imperative to uphold objectivity and impartiality. All sides should play their due part, and build up mutual trust to create conditions for ending hostility and starting peace talks. More importantly, no one should form factions or provoke bloc confrontation, Wang emphasized.

With the US presidential election approaching, Wang stated that the China-US relationship bears on the wellbeing of the Chinese and American peoples and the future of humanity and the world. 

China is sincere in improving its relations with the US. Meanwhile, the US still sticks to its misperception of China, and presses ahead with its misguided policy to contain China, he noted.

Whoever is elected, the Chinese and American peoples will still need to engage in exchanges and cooperation, and the two major countries must find the right way to get along with each other. The China-US relationship cannot go back to its past. But it should, and can fully, have a bright future, Wang said.

Blinken arrives in Shanghai with little optimism on major breakthrough due to US’ mind-set

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday afternoon to begin the second official visit to China of his tenure. Some Chinese experts said whether this visit, which shows Washington's eagerness to cooperate with China, can achieve a breakthrough depends on the US' mind-set and attitude. 

But given that the US continues to send signals of "pressuring for demands," experts hold low expectations for a positive outcome from Blinken's ongoing China visit. 

Blinken is scheduled to travel to China from Wednesday to Friday where he will meet with senior Chinese officials in both Shanghai and Beijing to talk about a range of bilateral, regional and global issues, according to a statement issued by the US State Department earlier. 

Some Western media also hold a cautious view of this visit. The New York Times said "Blinken goes to China with potential trouble on horizon" as the visit comes as Democrats and Republicans are vying to appear tougher on China. Reuters said Blinken arrived with bilateral ties "on a steadier footing," but with a daunting array of unresolved issues threatening the stability of relations between the two countries. 

The Associated Press also listed the major divisions between China and the US and key issues that Blinken is going to bring up on the trip including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, tensions in the Middle East, the Taiwan question and the South China Sea issue.

Just before Blinken boarded his plane, the North America and Oceania department of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefed the media on Monday, providing a 3,000-plus-word statement about the details of the visit. 

It not only reiterated a welcoming attitude but also elaborately outlined the five main objectives of the visit, including establishing correct perceptions, enhancing dialogue, effectively managing differences, advancing mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly undertaking the responsibilities of a major country.

 The briefing is also considered a negotiating memorandum provided to Blinken, experts said.

"There is a gap in attitudes between China and the US, which relates to the ways and ideas both sides take to handle bilateral relations," Wu Xinbo, director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

The fundamental approach of the US is to view China as its most significant strategic competitor and its most severe geopolitical challenge, so the US adopts measures to contain and suppress China under the guise of containment, while simultaneously it  needs China to cooperate as well as make concessions on a range of issues important to the US, Wu noted. 

"On one hand, the US wants to suppress and guard against China, and on the other, it expects China to dance to its tune," Wu said. 

Despite this gap in attitudes between the two countries, for the Biden administration, with the continuing increase in uncertainties in Ukraine and the Middle East, the US can no longer afford to divert attention to potential frictions and conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region, which might consume even more energy and resources, some experts said. 

Under the Biden administration's strategy of maintaining communication channels through normalized and routine high-level exchanges to reduce miscalculations and prevent uncontrolled competition leading to conflicts, Blinken has taken the baton from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to make a routine visit to China, Sun Taiyi, assistant professor of Political Science at Christopher Newport University, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

However, although a number of US high-ranking officials have been making frequent visits to China, the US continues to signal its strategy of "applying pressure for its demands" and seeking more favorable "bargaining chips" for discussions, experts said. 

For instance, US Trade Representative announced a new round of Section 301 investigations into China's maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors, and some US officials reportedly suggested that some Chinese banks could be cut off from the global financial system. It also rallied Japan and Australia to back the Philippines in provoking confrontations in the South China Sea, and published the 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, spreading lies about China's Xinjiang and Hong Kong regions. 

The US is drafting sanctions that threaten to cut some Chinese banks off from the global financial system, arming Washington's top envoy with diplomatic leverage that officials hope will stop Beijing's commercial support of Russia's military production, according to people familiar with the matter.

Most lately, the US Senate passed a TikTok divestment-or-ban bill late on Tuesday and also passed a sweeping foreign aid package which includes arms support for the island of Taiwan. 

"I think there are some risk factors in the future US-China relations. One is the Taiwan question, especially around May 20 when the island's regional leader-elect is set to assume office," Sun Chenghao, head of the US-EU program at the Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times on Wednesday. 

"If the US acts too excessively or provocatively, I believe it could impact cross-Straits relations as well as US-China relations," Sun said. 

There was a brief period of optimism and positive atmosphere following the meeting between the heads of state of the two countries in November 2023, which has now vanished given a series of negative moves by Washington lately, some experts said. 

"Under these circumstances, it is difficult to expect any positive progress from Blinken's visit to China. The actions of the US have made China feel that it is not a credible partner, seeking only to secure what it wants while presenting unreasonable concerns and demands for interest," Wu said.